Friday, 22 May 2015

Life Update

As I sit here staring at the blue sky’s I realize that I haven’t done a blogpost in a lot longer than I would have liked to do one. I think that my mind has been so full of other stuff that I just forgot about this blog and how it used to comfort me and take me to a happy place where I don’t worry, it’s nice, give blogging a go if you don’t already.

I have also spent a lot of time thinking amount the past, yesterday I actually attended a primary school disco and I found myself almost crying, I'm not sure why, I just did. Sometimes I wish for the future but at the moment I crave the past and what it gave me and how it made me into the person I am today. I also, yesterday, wrote a little quote thing that I will always think off when I feel sad or not motived;

“On May 15th I had been alive for 4843 days and though I may have not have enjoyed every day there are still 25,107 left to savour and make incredible (if I live till 82)”

I just think that when all else fails you and the day is just going so badly just think how many more days there are in your life and of all the amazing days that you have lived. The very best ones, the ones that make you smile as you walk down the street, the beautiful, hilarious, happy days. Because those days are the strongest, the ones that will build a wall between you and the days when all you want to do is hide underneath a blanket and cry, the memory or those days will pull you out of bed on the bad days and make you feel happy.

On a less dense (I couldn’t think of another word except dense, I have an odd mind) note I also have a few photos that I took when I was walking with my older sister who is a photographer, check her work out HERE and HERE, I am positive you will like it, and we were just taking photos of random stuff, that was until she ran out of film and I ran out of battery, always bring spare film and charge your battery ;), oh how the modern and the old collide so beautifully. 

Note: I was looking for the photos and I found some photos that took a while ago in Scotland, I think they are just quick pretty so those are in here too (there the ones with the beach in the background)

I hope you like that bunch of random stuff, I felt like I should post since I haven’t posted in too long, I will write a proper post soon, it may be about flowers since I really like flowers at the moment ( I told you my brain is odd). I hope if it is your holidays that you have a nice holiday or that you have a nice bank holiday weekend, and if you have exams coming up good luck in those I am sure that you will do amazing.

Lots of love

Tavi xxx

Saturday, 9 May 2015

how-to origami lotus with molly... ;)

Heyy, its Molly today. Sorry I didn't post for ages, I was on holiday - nowhere sunny, just Shetland, Orkney and the highlands, well jell of anyone who has a tan btw - I'll post the pics from that another time, but since I've done a lot of photo posts recently, I'm going to do something a little bit different today.

So today I am showing you how to make an origami lotus flower! A friend was doing this about a week ago, and so now I'm making these all over the place...

Here's the finished result!

You will need:-

Paper - now I used origami paper, which you can buy here and here, (just a few examples I found; there's tons of this on the internet in lots more designs) but you can just use normal paper if you don't have any. The only thing is that the paper will need to be perfectly square for this to work.

This paper is blank on the back....

Step 1 - Fold the paper diagonally from corner to corner, (if your paper is one sided, fold the blank side on the inside to show the design when its finished).
Be careful not to fold it horizontally like I did when I was distracted by singing LIVE FAST DIE YOUNG BAD GIRLS DO IT WELL heheh M.I.A not that I'm a bad girl cos I'm really not. Oh well.

Step 2 - Fold the corners in.

You've probably done this before if you've made fortune tellers, and if so, then you got the next few steps sorted. But if you haven't, then just make your paper look like it does above. When I was little and making fortune tellers, I used to pretend I was making envelopes.

Step 3 - And again....

Step 4 - And one more tiiiiiime.....

Step 5 - Now flip this folded square over.

Ugh, you can see how squint I made this now......

Step 6 - Fold up the edges

Just sorta fold the edges half up...

So they look like this!

Step 7 - Flip it, flip, flip, flip, flip it like a polaroid picture!

Yeah, flip it again.

This is majorly wonky. Hopefully, yours will be straighter but if it isn't, then it'll still work.

Step 8 - Petal powerrr!

Fold the corners over, and repeat this until you reach the white back of the flower.

Step 9 - There is no step 9, congrats! You're done!!!!

Little bonus here, when I didn't post this, Tavi found it as a draft and.... yeah. Enjoy...

Step 1.

get frustrated and so you throw the paper in the bin

Step 2.

Eat a bar of chocolate, and get fat

Step 3.

Lose weight becuse you ate too much choclate

step $.

give up with loosing weight, chcoalte tastes good

step 6

tell molly you love her lots

step 5

but that you love tavi more ;)

I laughed sooooooo much. Byee

Molly xox