Wednesday, 28 June 2017

What to do with 11 weeks (or Saturday a afternoon)

So here I am will 9.5 weeks ahead of me and having already wasted one of socializing I must now treasure the rest. So here are my aims for the summer and what I shall do when I find myself in bed staring into space and getting lost in my mind.

1- READ, I cannot tell you enough how amazing reading it because it truly is one of the best things

2- Sew, now this depends on the you but personally I adore sewing and think it is therapeutic

3- Knit, again not for everyone but I have to stop myself from staying up all night to knit because it is so obbesive

4- Paint, or draw just make something that allows you to observe what is around you

5- Walk, explore find somewhere you've never been and get your mind to see the world and see the beauty that surrounds us yet so many people ignore

6- GO ON YOUR PHONE LESS. This is something I am working on because for me it feels like a problem when you're on your phone for 8 hours a day. Know when to use your phone and when to just leave it and look around you.

People always say that they are bored and admittedly so do I but that's an attitude I am looking to change. If you are bored you are not trying. Bordem is no one's fault but your own, bordem stems from laziness and laziness stems from bordem. Don't get drawn into the vicious circle of bordem, cut the strings with it and let it know that it's not welcome back as this will directly result in your laziness decreasing.

Have an inspiring day and enjoy what you have xxx


So apparently I am alive. I can't remember the last time I posted on here but I do know that it was a long long time ago.

I believe I started the blog in 2014 but don't take my word for it (I just checked and it was august 2014). That's three years ago and I haven't written a blog post about in almost a year and a half. Therefore I have changed as a person significantly, even reading back on the last post I made I no longer listen to that msuic and I'm sure in 3 years I will have again changed music taste.

However when I talk of change I wasn't talking of just music taste. As a person I have changed, my outlook on life as a whole and my life has changed. I no longer fear death to the extent that I used to, however I still ponder upon useless information.

Maybe a less important but still significant is that I am now vegan, I won't talk about that now but I am vegan. I hear your sigh of hatred and fear of me trying to convince you to be vegan however I will not force anyone to become vegan so you can continue reading without fearing the "that chicken got raped, then they stole it's milk and now you are frying it you inhumane person" talk.

On a unrelated note I just finished my exams (well two weeks ago) so I now have the whole summer ahead of me to not socialise. I have many plans and few involve seeing people so hopefully I can return to school full of energy and ready to sleep though A-levels

So why have I returned then? Well I have 11 weeks - 2 weeks so 9 weeks ahead of me and so naturally I must find something to do and blogging seemed like a very good idea.

So I now leave you as despite it being the holidays I am trying to not go to bed at 3am. I failed last night due to me obessively tidying till 3:30am.

Enjoy your day and focus on the good not the bad xxxxx