hello there yet again, may I say you look wonderful. Now you all know that I sit
in front of a computer and write blogs and you pretty much know the whole of
the outside of my house and around it but, what about inside so today I shall
be giving you a little tour of my bedroom. The photos aren’t great as I took
them in the evening and at night but it will give you a gist of my style and
what kinda of style I have and maybe even inspire you, enjoy.
a look through my (ex) keyhole |
i have a really weird obsession with jars | | |
the beautiful brushes live here for everyday use |
my desk area ft of monsters and men and my piggy bank |
my weird collection of, well stuff |
the fairy lights in the jar just looked so cute |
my room, from a bird eye view-ish... |
my blogging area that normally has food around it :) |
#fairylightspam |
my awesome headphones |
I may re-do this one day as these photos aren't the best and don't really show my room of to its full extent.
On a good note you will notice i have used much initiative (I had to look that up in the dictionary (I also just spelt dictonary wrong whoopsie) to spell that right) to put my links down the side, so now you can go and follow me everywhere and stalk me, everywhere. for now though I shall say goodbye and wish you luck clicking on those links, I dont really know what I've done, much love,
Octavia xxxx
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