Sunday, 13 December 2015


Hallå (hello in swedish) so yes, I may have disappeared, but I have been camping and doing homework so yes life goes on. Anyway it is definitely not the 11th today but I can’t just miss a day, so I will have to post two or three one day. As I was saying, I have been camping this weekend and so I thought that I would write about it.

So you all may think that camping in December is crazy but I go to scouts and they make me do all sorts of crazy stuff that makes me cold and smell of wood smoke. I am currently doing this thing called the “Dragon Camp Challenge” and we have to camp out once a month for one night, every month for 1 year, and so this month is December and that is why I am camping in December. Now when I saw camping I should really put some commas around the word “camping” as I wasn’t actually camping I was hammocking, and it wasn’t actually too bad I did also bring a tent as I wasn’t sure what was going to happen but I didn’t actually go into the tent the whole time I was there #proud. We arrived where we were camping at about 3.00 after a long and hard walk of 9km so we only had 1 hour to set up everything which just about manged to do. Then there was the fire to start because if your camping in December it is advised that you make a fire, so that was done then we played some wide games (basically big games of hide and seek and stuff). And then disaster struck and we realised that it was raining, not little feeble drizzle proper rain, and so we all got soaked, always bring many clothes when camping in wet December, I think I got though 3 different pairs of trousers, 2 jackets and 5 tops, and that wasn’t enough. Overall I had an amazing weekend as always with scouts, and I am so excited to do the next camp so I will report back to you about that also.
Bit of a side note here but you must may now call me a hero as I have saved a sheep (I will put some picture in) we found Billy the sheep on our walk back and being the nice people we are we saved him and I hope that her is doing very well.

So I shall see you very soon, sending you all my love xxxxxx


Octavia xxxxxx

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