Wednesday 1 October 2014


As the days get shorter and its starts getting dark at 7.00, my mind starts telling me its autumn, then I get my boots and jumpers out and I know for sure that it is autumn. This year I have really been appreciating everything from nature to the blanket I can now have on my duvet. Now for a lot of you in the southern hemisphere it is just becoming spring but reading this will make you (hopefully) want to be transported forward in time to autumn or just make you feel like you are in the England with leaves falling all around you.

One of the things I have been wanting to do for a long long time is make an autumn collage type thing, using all of the autumn stuff that I can find so when my friends came round we went out exploring to find some bits and pieces. Obviously along the way I had to take some photos, so not only do I have the collage type thingies’ to show and tell but I also have some beautiful autumny photos that I too.

The final thing I would like to talk about will be the sky. Yes I am going to talk about the sky but if I was doing a blog post of my favorites I reckon the sky would be in it, and I have about 30 different pictures of the sky from the morning. If you happen to live in England and live where you can see the sunrise or the sunset, get yourself and your camera outside and observe the beauty, because you will not be unimpressed I can promise you.

Thank you for reading my dears, you can now follow me on bloglovin (i think). I only just worked out how to do this (so its not got a special box or anything) and am looking for more tips and tricks so please comment below some if you have any. Thank you once again and goodbyeeeeeeeeeeeee.

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